Image of Enter Technikwelt is officially one of the best experience locations in Switzerland

27. June 2024

Enter Technikwelt is officially one of the best experience locations in Switzerland

65,346 organizers, visitors, and an independent expert jury have decided as part of this year's Swiss Location Awards: Enter Technikwelt is one of the best experience locations in Switzerland!

We are very pleased to have received the "Excellent" seal of approval with 8.6 out of 10 points at the Swiss Location Award 2024!

"To be nominated for such an award and to win it just six months after opening is both a great joy and a confirmation of our efforts," says Violetta Vitacca from the Enter Team.


About the Swiss Location Award

Since 2016, the Swiss Location Award has been the most important seal of approval in the event industry. The most beautiful and best locations in Switzerland are awarded in 11 different categories.


We thank everyone for their ratings!
