Image of FHNW Students Explore Collection Objects

27. June 2024

FHNW Students Explore Collection Objects

After the successful collaboration between Enter Technikwelt and FHNW on the joint AI-Selfie-Box, we were able to successfully continue our cooperation.

The collaboration between the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) and Enter Technikwelt Solothurn is already successfully established. After the first joint development project – the AI-Selfie-Box – the first project in the field of teaching has now been completed. As part of the "History of Technology" module, FHNW students worked intensively on presentations about selected exhibits from Enter Technikwelt and presented their results in exciting presentations on site.


The cooperation not only allowed FHNW students to gain deep insights into the fascinating world of digital and analog technology but also gave them the opportunity to deepen their scientific and practical skills in a real environment. For example, students talked about the Apple Lisa, provided insights into the development of the iMac, explained the functionality of the CX52 cipher machine, or presented the exciting history of the Trabant. Through close collaboration, valuable insights and perspectives were exchanged between the students, Enter Technikwelt, and experts on the various topics. This new knowledge will be available to future visitors of Enter Technikwelt in the form of signs and additional explanations in the exhibition.


This collaboration was a great opportunity for Enter Technikwelt to promote young talent while also inspiring our audience with fresh, scientifically sound perspectives.


About the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)

The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland is a leading university in Switzerland that offers practice-oriented education and research in various fields. They promote the transfer of knowledge between science and practice and prepare students for demanding professional challenges.
