Image of Niklaus Wirth (1934-2024) – A Swiss Computer Pioneer

29. August 2024

Niklaus Wirth (1934-2024) – A Swiss Computer Pioneer

On January 1, 2024, Swiss computer pioneer Niklaus Wirth passed away at the age of nearly 90. His most important innovations will be presented to the public at Enter Technikwelt Solothurn.

The long-time ETH professor of computer science gained world fame thanks to the programming language "Pascal" he developed. Niklaus Wirth also played an important role in establishing computer science in Switzerland. His workstation "Lilith" from 1980 was a precursor to personal computers. For his achievements, he was awarded the Turing Award, the equivalent of the Nobel Prize for computer science, in 1984.

In the Enter Technikwelt, an original version of the "Lilith" is shown in the exhibition section "Linked Switzerland," and the significance of his programming language "Pascal" is highlighted. His achievements are also conveyed in an audio guide contribution, where Niklaus Wirth himself speaks through original recordings and reports firsthand about his innovations.

