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Originally put into operation for aeronautical radio for the Lausanne – Paris line, this radio station broadcasted the first radio program in Switzerland on October 14, 1922 – of course a live concert.
After France, Great Britain, and Germany, where regular radio broadcasts had been sent since early summer 1922, Switzerland joined as the fourth country with the Champ-de-l’Air to the European broadcasting nations.
During the inauguration ceremony in October 1922, the guests were surprised with live music. This was actually a pirate broadcast, as the transmitter was only allowed to transmit weather information to aircraft.
Roland Pièce (1897 – 1972) led the construction of the transmitter on the Champ-de-l’Air as a young electrical engineering student in 1921/22. Later, Pièce took over as chief technician at the Western Swiss national broadcaster Sottens, which was established in 1931.
The Champ-de-l'Air transmitter in the Enter Technikwelt Solothurn
Roland Pièce in front of the Champ-de-l’Air flight radio transmitter (1922)
The Champ-de-l'Air transmitter in the first ENTER Museum (2011 – 2023)